Posted on 02 November 2010. Tags: aphrodisiac, chocolate, history

There’s no argument to the fact that letting a rich, creamy piece of chocolate melt in your mouth can be a very sensual experience, but is it really an aphrodisiac? An aphrodisiac is something that can arouse or intensify sexual desire, so if chocolate has that affect on you, then yes, it’s definitely an aphrodisiac!
The Sensual Act of Eating
Regardless of what’s in chocolate, just the luscious sensation of melting chocolate on your tongue may be enough for you to consider it an aphrodisiac. Loaded with cocoa butter, chocolate is fatty and sweet and irresistible to so many chocolate enthusiasts. The ritual of putting food in your mouth of any kind can be a very sensual process, so savouring something as delicious as chocolate can have quite an effect on people.
Chemical Effects from Chocolate Consumption
If chocolate as an aphrodisiac in response to its taste and texture isn’t proof enough for you, then consider the chemical composition of chocolate. It contains phenylethylamine which is a naturally occurring amino acid that your body secretes when you’re in love. Also containing dopamine and serotonin, chocolate provides natural pain killers that can increase your mood. Although levels of these chemicals can be fairly low and may be most prominent in purer forms of chocolate, their presence has been known to cause euphoria and increased sensitivity making the chocolate experience all the more sensual.
Chocolate Lovers Throughout History
Consumed originally as a beverage by the Aztecs and Mayans, it is said Emperor Montezuma II would drink goblets of chocolate before entering his harem for the stimulating and stamina boosting effects it held. Stories regarding Casanova using chocolate to seduce his lovers exist as well.
In French history, the Spanish Princess Maria Theresa offered chocolate to her fiancé King Louis XIV as an engagement gift and soon after it became a popular drink in his court. Madame de Pompadour is rumoured to have favoured chocolate as a means to encourage her desire for the king while Madame du Barry, on the other hand, would offer her lovers chocolate to stimulate their energy and excitement.
Whether or not chocolate can be called an aphrodisiac, it’s an undeniably delicious creation. If it stimulates feelings of pleasure, stamina, love, or lust in addition to just being plain tasty, it’s an added bonus to the already delightful effects of chocolate.
Posted in Chocolate 101, Featured Articles
Posted on 29 October 2010. Tags: aphrodisiac, chocolate, health, love, Valentines Day

Giving gifts to your significant other on Valentine’s Day is a widely practiced custom, but why is the act of giving chocolate so popular? Is it the unique melt-in-your-mouth taste? Or perhaps the use as a possible erotic stimulant? Whatever the reason for giving, chocolate consistently dominates the Valentine’s Day tradition year after year.
History of Chocolate as an Aphrodisiac
Chocolate has been considered a potent aphrodisiac by many for a long time. Mayan emperors would drink chocolate as a way to satisfy the appetites within their harems while French courtesans would feed it to their lovers to encourage stamina and arousal. As a ritualistic component to Mayan marriage ceremonies, the couples would feed each other chocolate in anticipation of their wedding night.
Pleasure Stimulating Chemicals to Give Love a Chance
The naturally occurring chemicals in chocolate may be exactly the thing to put your Valentine in the mood for love. The theobromine and caffeine found in chocolate can increase your heartbeat and act as a stimulant. Phenylehtylamine can simulate the effects of love while serotonin can elicit a sense of well-being. The idea of giving the object of your desire such a potentially mood altering potion would makes chocolate seem like the only Valentine’s Day choice!
Nutritional Properties for a Healthy Heart
Pure dark chocolate is rich with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The effects the antioxidants can have on your heart include increased blood circulation, reduced cholesterol levels, and lowered risks of stroke and heart attack. The magnesium, iron, and vitamin B found in chocolate can also help in preventing illness. Whether this is a conscious reason lovers give chocolate as a gift or not, it’s certainly a thoughtful way to show you care. Of course, to enjoy the nutritional benefits of chocolate, it should be consumed only in proper moderation.
Chocolate on the Valentine’s Day Market
For most of the year it’s women who tend to buy chocolate on a regular basis, however when Valentine’s Day rolls around the percentage of men purchasing chocolate jumps to around 75%. Anyone who does any shopping during the Valentine’s Day season can’t help but notice the overwhelming varieties of chocolate available at that time. Candy sales go up when love is in the air, so be it the encouragement of lustful desires or just the gesture of giving your sweet something sweet, chocolate at Valentine’s Day is a tradition that has yet to fail love-struck shoppers everywhere.
Posted in Chocolate 101, Featured Articles